Featured Client Stories
See how ADHD professionals around the world are reaching their goals through coaching with Unconventional Organisation.
"It's like comparing a crack in the wall to the Grand Canyon to my previous experiences of coaching."
Simon Mundie
Profession: BBC Radio 4 Presenter, BBC TV Reporter at Wimbledon Championships & Host of A New Way of Being Podcast
First Goal Achieved: Outlined and broke down his goal of creating a business. Plus started working on skills to help with prioritising those initial tasks.
Time To First Goal Achieved: Four weeks
Simon’s Experience of Executive Coaching with Skye
“I've noticed that since we started this vision of what I want to achieve, it's been really exciting. I love this [Prioritization Filter]. You know, the kind of do, delegate, discard is great, and then the blue week process, like that, is super useful. And yeah, there's been lots of really useful things. So yeah, I've got tremendous value from it. Yeah, it's really insightful.
You've got some good tools, better than just medication that's for sure. You're very well equipped with ADHD-specific tools. So, to be able to come in a bit of a hot mess today and now see it there with various colors and shades, it's kind of cool.
I tend to bottle this up, and then it just pops. So, to be able to talk to you about it and then get it out and see it out is great. I think it's so specific to the way my brain operates, and that has been a real revelation to me. You have all these tools and techniques, and it's like comparing a crack in the wall to the Grand Canyon to my previous experiences of coaching.
I really appreciate it. I've got a lot out of it.”

Warning: adult language.
"It is just really very practical things that I was able to put into place very quickly."
Imani W
Profession: Legal
First Positive Change: Applying for new roles with personalised tools to support emotional dysregulation.
Time To First Positive Change: Four weeks
Imani’s Experience of Goals Achieved With ADHD.
“What's been so great about this is that, at least in the four weeks that I experienced, everything was so simple but so powerful. It is just really very practical things that I was able to put into place very quickly. And that has made a world of difference.
I did not think this was possible. It's not just like general, how can we manage your ADHD? This goal-oriented approach is extremely effective and surprisingly effective even maybe more so in group settings.
So it does feel really one-on-one, really personal. And yeah, this is the best. It has exceeded my wildest expectations.”

"I feel much more confident and compassionate towards myself."
Aga, K.
Profession: Social Enterprise and Healthcare
First Positive Change: Identifying and breaking down her overall goal and deciding how to balance her different professional roles as she worked towards that goal.
Time To First Positive Change: Four weeks
Aga’s Experience of Goals Achieved With ADHD
“Hearing that this [ADHD] is normal and this is how your brain works is invaluable. Sharing the space, sharing the human experience, and being part of the community was really, really helpful.
It [Goals Achieved with ADHD] doesn't take that much time. Even though someone asked me, “Are you kidding me? You're actually going there like twice a week?” I was like, “Yeah, it just goes so quickly.” The pace was really good. I must say I really liked the pace of it.
The shared experience is really important. Hearing others going through exactly the same thing, sharing the techniques and methodologies, and really grounding yourself in the fact that it can work really well for you if you just kind of get your head around it and build your own toolbox.
I've learned new things. I grounded myself in many things, and I feel much more confident and compassionate towards myself. I think that's a big thing for me as well. I no longer feel that I'm doing something wrong because of everything that I have been doing here, I feel like there is always a better way.”

"You really helped me overcome something I've been struggling or thinking about for a year."
Amie, L.
Profession: Non-Profit Communications
First Positive Change: Built routines to transition in work more easily and intentionally
Time To First Positive Change: Four weeks
Amie’s Experience of Goals Achieved With ADHD.
I think you [Skye Waterson] make a big difference as a facilitator. You ask the right questions and anticipate some of the things we might already be feeling. I think the troubleshooting sessions helped a lot.
And then the communal piece of it, I didn't think we built such rapport, even though I don't see them [the community] every day, I really do like feel like I'm hoping the best for everyone. Like I really want everyone to succeed.
I think it's just what you [Skye Waterson] built. I think you just share a lot more than I think a lot of others. I think you communicate a lot more. Like there are a lot of touch points with you. I’m never guessing whether you're around
You really helped me overcome something I've been struggling or thinking about for a year.
You're more than a coach, really. And you're more than someone who knows all about ADHD. You're both, and you really want us to leave knowing what our next step is and what we can do to gain confidence on our own.

"You're seeing everyone else's wins, so you're like, okay, maybe I can do it too.”
Stacey, B.
Profession: Healthcare
First Positive Change: Sent off the paperwork to start a side project after putting it off for six months.
Time To First Positive Change: Three weeks
Stacey’s Experience of Goals Achieved With ADHD
“The main thing I think I've said before is how interactive it is. Because I find that a lot of the time, I'll sign up and then never actually get around to looking at them. And so the fact that in the Academy, I have a set time and that it's flexible as well, where you pick a time that suits you, and there are multiple options.
I also found it helpful that you’re using the workbook while you're there instead of just trying to look through it at a different time, which I'll end up putting off and then forgetting about.
Also, everyone is interacting, and people are replying to your comments, other people who like get it. And just the whole layout of it was really good, really helpful. But yeah, mainly the fact that it's so interactive, and I've tried so many other things before that I just either didn't stick with or I never went back to, and I didn't really use the different skills that I learned.
But the fact that you're [Skye Waterson] are kind of keeping track, like as we’re going along and while we're in it, we're like trying to get the tasks done and we're trying to reach our goals. I think that's all really helpful. And there's a bit of accountability there where you want to, you want to get it done because you're seeing everyone else achieving their goals as well. You're seeing everyone else's wins, so you're like, okay, maybe I can do it too.”